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Conservative ‘Friends’ honour Sajid Javid MP shortly after his appointment as Home Secretary

Updated: Dec 10, 2018

Bajloor Rashid MBE attended an honorary dinner to celebrate the appointment of Sajid Javid MP, as the first British Asian to be the UK's Home Secretary.

The evening was initiated by the Conservative Friends of India, with the organisation for the evening being shared by them, the Conservative Friends of Pakistan and the Conservative Friends of Bangladesh.

In his official capacity as the British Bangladeshis spokesperson, he gave a stirring and heart warming speech about how his community has been at the forefront of innovation and hard work. He supported the view that all three asian communities had made a significant and influential contribution to UK society. As the Honorary Vice Chairman, he said 'the Conservative Friends of Bangladesh (CFOB) are the flag bearers for creating a deeper and more meaningful relationship between the British Bangladeshi community and the Conservative party, and they actively promote a closer bond between the UK and Bangladesh'.

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